Holiday Promo Piece 2005
Holiday Promo Piece 2005
Fluis Logo - 2004
Fluis Logo - 2004

Partner and co-founder of a successful small firm in West Michigan. Clients ranged from small to international firms such as Gerber, Wolverine World Wide, etc.

Proposed Logo Design - 2004
Proposed Logo Design - 2004

Tamarack Lodge requested Identity work proposals for new lodge in Northern Michigan.

Calendar of Events - 2013
Calendar of Events - 2013

Fold out brochure and mailer for art gallery.

Art Dept Brochure.jpg
Promotional Work - 2014
Promotional Work - 2014

Promotional mailer for art gallery.

Product Brochure Design - 2006
Product Brochure Design - 2006

Proposal for a series of product brochures for custom wheelchair van company. 

Product Brochures - 2002
Product Brochures - 2002

Designed a series of product brochures for West Michigan office furniture company.


Logo and Business cards for Interior Designer

Logo and Identity
Logo and Identity

Identity work for large orthodontics office in West Michigan.

Identity Work
Identity Work

Identity work for large medical complex in West Michigan.

Identity Work - 2015
Identity Work - 2015

Identity work for non-profit in West Michigan resource agency.

Promotional Work - 2013
Promotional Work - 2013

Promotional mailer for art gallery.

Product Brochures - 1997
Product Brochures - 1997

A series of product brochures I did for Franklin Quest, before their merger with Steven Covey to form Franklin Covey.

Franklin Covey Identity Work
Franklin Covey Identity Work

A series of proposed ads developed as part of larger rebranding of newly formed Franklin Covey.

Logo Mark Explorations - 1997
Logo Mark Explorations - 1997

Franklin Covey mark explorations as part of rebranding work.

Logo Work - 2016
Logo Work - 2016

Proposed logo for satellite communications company in Phoenix, Arizona.

Product Brochures - 1996
Product Brochures - 1996

More product brochures for Franklin Quest.

Logo Explorations - 1997
Logo Explorations - 1997

Franklin Covey logo explorations as part of rebranding work.

Product Brochures - 1996
Product Brochures - 1996

More product brochures for Franklin Quest.

Product Brochures - 2005
Product Brochures - 2005

A series of product catalogs for JDTI, a custom office furniture company in West Michigan.

Product Brochure - 2005
Product Brochure - 2005

A series of product catalogs for JDTI, a custom office furniture company in West Michigan.

Corporate Report - 1999
Corporate Report - 1999

Corporate Report for Morinda, Inc. Provo, Utah

Identity Work - 2004
Identity Work - 2004

Identity for medical complex in West Michigan.

Identity Work - 2004
Identity Work - 2004

Logo for restaurant in Western Michigan.

Holiday Promo Piece 2005
Fluis Logo - 2004
Proposed Logo Design - 2004
Calendar of Events - 2013
Art Dept Brochure.jpg
Promotional Work - 2014
Product Brochure Design - 2006
Product Brochures - 2002
Logo and Identity
Identity Work
Identity Work - 2015
Promotional Work - 2013
Product Brochures - 1997
Franklin Covey Identity Work
Logo Mark Explorations - 1997
Logo Work - 2016
Product Brochures - 1996
Logo Explorations - 1997
Product Brochures - 1996
Product Brochures - 2005
Product Brochure - 2005
Corporate Report - 1999
Identity Work - 2004
Identity Work - 2004
Holiday Promo Piece 2005
Fluis Logo - 2004

Partner and co-founder of a successful small firm in West Michigan. Clients ranged from small to international firms such as Gerber, Wolverine World Wide, etc.

Proposed Logo Design - 2004

Tamarack Lodge requested Identity work proposals for new lodge in Northern Michigan.

Calendar of Events - 2013

Fold out brochure and mailer for art gallery.

Promotional Work - 2014

Promotional mailer for art gallery.

Product Brochure Design - 2006

Proposal for a series of product brochures for custom wheelchair van company. 

Product Brochures - 2002

Designed a series of product brochures for West Michigan office furniture company.


Logo and Business cards for Interior Designer

Logo and Identity

Identity work for large orthodontics office in West Michigan.

Identity Work

Identity work for large medical complex in West Michigan.

Identity Work - 2015

Identity work for non-profit in West Michigan resource agency.

Promotional Work - 2013

Promotional mailer for art gallery.

Product Brochures - 1997

A series of product brochures I did for Franklin Quest, before their merger with Steven Covey to form Franklin Covey.

Franklin Covey Identity Work

A series of proposed ads developed as part of larger rebranding of newly formed Franklin Covey.

Logo Mark Explorations - 1997

Franklin Covey mark explorations as part of rebranding work.

Logo Work - 2016

Proposed logo for satellite communications company in Phoenix, Arizona.

Product Brochures - 1996

More product brochures for Franklin Quest.

Logo Explorations - 1997

Franklin Covey logo explorations as part of rebranding work.

Product Brochures - 1996

More product brochures for Franklin Quest.

Product Brochures - 2005

A series of product catalogs for JDTI, a custom office furniture company in West Michigan.

Product Brochure - 2005

A series of product catalogs for JDTI, a custom office furniture company in West Michigan.

Corporate Report - 1999

Corporate Report for Morinda, Inc. Provo, Utah

Identity Work - 2004

Identity for medical complex in West Michigan.

Identity Work - 2004

Logo for restaurant in Western Michigan.

show thumbnails